Pray for the nations
"An organization like OM...cannot exist without the covering
of prayers." - Lawrence Tong, International Director
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Prayer Requests Received This Month
From the Very Beginning, Prayer Has Been a Cornerstone of OM’s Ministry.
It was a caring neighbor’s prayer that saw young George Verwer come to the Lord, prayer that later inspired him to found OM and prayer that has guided our efforts for 60+ years since. Each day, our workers are first-hand witnesses to the positive, life-changing power of prayer on our world.
Partner Prayer Wall
Please pray for me; I need a new job. Pray God’s will and guidance in finding a job. Thank you for your prayers.
Please say a prayer for Tyqueshia Chapman; she was told by the doctor they see a cyst on her lung. Please pray for her. Thank you.
I pray my brother is cancer free. In Jesus name I pray.
Please pray for my marriage. Please pray for my husband's hardened heart. Pray that we will each draw near to God individually and as a couple.
The bank has sent us an eviction notice...My parents are old and sick...we have no way of repaying the bank or have anyone to help. We don't know what to do...if we don't return the money in 5 days we will be homeless. God needs to send us a miracle.
Please pray for Meeghan and Margaret whose close family member died 5 days ago. Thank you.
Please pray for my sister Silvy who is still so very young, only 59. She is very ill. Please ask for the illness to be removed and her body free of pain. I am the only one in the family that knows and I am heartbroken for her and all of us.
My three-year-old son, Sullivan, would no longer be speech delayed. Praying he will overcome any deficits and be up to par with his classmates. Praying that soon he will be conversational.
I am praying for a financial breakthrough. I am praying for a steady job and a way for me to pay my bills.
Please pray for my wife and for the restoration of her faith and her walk with Jesus. Please pray for our marriage and for me as we navigate through this time of upheaval. Thank you.
Please pray over our lives and the spiritual warfare that we are dealing with. Thank you.
I am struggling with a lot of anxiety because I am faced with dealing with a situation where it impacts many aspects of my life. Please pray for me and my well-being and the things that I am fighting for in my life. Please pray that I win this.
My husband and I are unemployed. While looking for a job, we're building our own projects/businesses. We prefer for our businesses to flourish more than getting a job. I have FULL confidence that God can do all things and has infinite resources.
I have a few job interviews that could really help to continue to take care of my family and bring another little one here with my wife. I ask for prayers for the Lord to bless me and my family. Thank you.
I have been very insecure my whole life. It causes self-fulfilling situations in life, and I just want to be happy. Please pray for permanent healing over my life.
Please pray for my dad, Erasto Alvarez. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 liver cancer that has spread to the lungs!
I may need to be looking for a new place soon; I am pregnant and I need real help. I ask for a blessing in Jesus name. Thank you.
Please pray for a miracle healing for my wife, Betty, who is in the last stages of AML leukemia. Thank you and God bless you.
Please pray that the Lord will make Yvonne stronger and stronger every day, and please pray for complete healing and restoration for Yvonne's whole body.
Request Prayer
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